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Dark blue liquid with a characteristic odor in a 20 ml glass bottle: active ingredient: 1 ml of the drug contains methylene blue – 0.01 g; excipients: ethyl alcohol, distilled water.
A solution of water-alcohol methylene blue 1% refers to antiseptic dyes. The mechanism of the antiseptic action of methylene blue is based on its ability to react with certain acidic or basic groups of substances of gram-positive bacterial cells, with mucopolysaccharides and proteins with the formation of poorly soluble and slowly ionizing complexes. A solution of methylene blue is used for burns, pyoderma, candidiasis of the folds.
Precautionary measures:
Be wary appoint during pregnancy and lactation. The drug methylene blue does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or work with complex mechanisms. Applied to children aged 1 year. Patients with hypersensitivity to methylthioninium chloride should not use the drug.
For adults and children, the affected area of the skin, including surrounding healthy tissues, is lubricated with a solution.
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