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Dolgit cream Indications
rheumatism; degenerative joint diseases with pain (arthritis); inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine; post-traumatic inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints (bruise, contusion, sprain) for sports and other injuries; swelling and inflammation of the soft tissue near the damaged joint (bursitis, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, loss of ligaments and joint capsule); stiffness of the shoulder joint; myalgia; lumbago; sports and other injuries (contusion, sprain).
Dosage & Application
The drug is used topically in adults and children over the age of 14 years. The cream is applied thinly to the skin at the site of inflammation strips 4.10 cm in length (corresponding to 5.2 g of cream or 100-250 mg ibuprofen) and easily rubbed. The drug is used 3-4 times a day (if necessary – more often).
For large hematomas and swelling at the beginning of the treatment can be applied thick bandage.
The cream can be administered simultaneously with preparations based on ibuprofen for oral use.
The duration of treatment depends on the extent and nature of the lesion, and the clinical benefit is determined individually by your doctor.
In most cases, the period of drug treatment is 2-3 weeks.
– hypersensitivity to ibuprofen or other ingredients;
– ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions;
– dermatitis, weeping eczema;
– open sores, inflammatory diseases and infections of the skin;
– during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
– age under 14 years;
– asthma, bronchospasm, rhinitis, or skin rash in the history of the application of acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs.
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Important! On your PayPal invoice you’ll see the purchase listed as cosmetics or socks (not pharmacy/medicine). Don’t worry, you will get exactly the medication you ordered, we have to code the transactions that way to process them through PayPal. If you have questions, please contact us here: support@globalhealthe.com .